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In an ancient realm, nestled between the fabric of reality and myth, lies the city of Scaleden—a place where sentient gecko-kind have thrived for millennia. These beings, called Geckonians, evolved not just in the biological sense but also in the mystical, intertwining their fates with the cosmic Scales of Aeon. The Scales, a celestial artifact older than the city itself, govern all aspects of existence in Scaleden, from the spiritual fervor and divine blessings to the bustling economy and the welfare of its people. 

The Scales are said to be the manifestation of the world’s equilibrium, an idea deeply ingrained in the culture and governance of Scaleden. The ruling monarch, the Aeonarch, is not only a political leader but also a spiritual one, whose every decision is believed to tip the Scales and alter the city's fate.

As the Aeonarch, the player is tasked with addressing the Dilemma of the Day through the Scales of Aeon. Each decision not only alters the balance among the three values but also visually impacts the city. For example, choosing to fund a grand temple over a public welfare project might erect an opulent spire in the Claw of Faith while causing the homes in the Heart of Scales to fall into disrepair.

The dilemmas presented each day are complex and often have no clear right or wrong answer. They may range from deciding the city's stance on a newfound religion, dealing with a deadly plague that affects only the poorest district, to negotiating trade deals that could either bolster the economy or exploit the workers.


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I love the art! Did you do it!?!?!

Thanks, it's mostly AI.